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Remote Assistance
We are here to help!
Do you want to get your questions answered, or be shown how to use a feature in EzeScan, or need a problem resolved fast?
This usually be done whilst you are on the phone, or later at an agreed time. EzeScan support staff use GoToMeeting or Team Viewer software to provide customers with remote assistance. GoToMeeting allows an EzeScan Support Technician to remotely view your computer desktop. It makes it so much easier and faster for us to resolve any issues you are having.
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Our Support Technicians have direct access to our Software Developers in our R&D team, so they can always get quick answers as to how something should work and also are able to log software defect issues with R&D for rapid repair. If required R&D provide a quick turnaround of issues by releasing rapid repair program hotfixes on our website downloads area. All of our Support Technicians have their own individual GoToMeeting accounts, so you never have to wait for them to share accounts.
We are very experienced in delivering support via remote access. With over 750 customers worldwide and 1000's of installed seats of EzeScan remote access allows us to provide a superior level of service to each of our valued customers.
How does a Go To Meeting work?
- An EzeScan staff member will send you a meeting invitation, either by email or IM
- Click the link in the invitation and download the GoToMeeting software. GoToMeeting does not install software permanently on your computer, and does not require administrative privileges to run.
- Join the meeting. In the meeting you completely control how much access our support staff have to your PC (either 'view only' or 'full remote control')
- Once the meeting has finished, exit the Go To Meeting. EzeScan staff can no longer access your machine.