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Foot Anstey Case Study

EzeScan works with Foot Anstey to re-shape the role paper plays in the organisation.
About Foot Anstey
Foot Anstey
Foot Anstey is one of the largest regional law firms in the South West.

As one of the largest regional law firms in the South West, Foot Anstey has been collaborating with an EzeScan partner ITEC on an initiative to develop a digital mailroom. Here’s why they did it...
As one of the largest regional law firms in the South West, Foot Anstey has been collaborating with an EzeScan partner ITEC on an initiative to develop a digital mailroom. Here’s why they did it...
he law firm needed to reduce their reliance on paper based documents in order to increase their agility and remain competitive.
The firm implemented an EzeScan Digital Mailroom Solution with the help of EzeScan partner ITEC to get the firms physical mail digitised and actioned faster. This solution meant staff could now access documents from any location, at anytime and by any device.
Instead of being tied to a desk, Foot Anstey staff now move seamlessly between offices, customer sites and other locations which allows them respond to their clients needs quickly and nimbly.
“Our vision of agile working makes geography an irrelevance. Deployment of technology means staff can work seamlessly from multiple locations. It’s all about freeing our staff up to respond quickly and nimbly to client needs”. - Duncan Eadie, IT and business services director at Foot Anstey